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Duits Würfel-App

Diese App simuliert Ihre Spielwürfel. Einfach gehalten und leicht zu bedienen.

Diese App simuliert Ihre Spielwürfel. Sie können einen, zwei, drei, vier, fünf oder mehr Würfel anzeigen und durch berühren des Bildschirms neu würfeln. Diese App ist sehr einfach gehalten und zeigt einfach nur die Würfel an.
Es handelt sich hier um den Beschreibungstext einer App. Die erste Zeile ist der Name der App, die zweite Zeile eine Kurzbeschreibung, die maximal 80 Zeichen lang sein darf, die dritte Zeile ist eine etwas längere Beschreibung ohne Zeichenbeschränkung.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Zarlar
Aangevraagde vertalingen
Tsjechisch Tsjechisch
Engels Snowden
Snowden has brought to light important information that deserved to be in the public domain. He recognised the NSA's surveillance programs for what they are: dangerous, undemocratic and unconstitutional activity. This wholesale invasion of privacy does not contribute to our security, it puts in danger the very liberties we are trying to protect. Does Snowden deserve a statue?

Gemaakte vertalingen
Duits Snowden
Engels Android App: Berlin Offline City Map
Berlin Offline City Map

This app provides you with an offline map of the city based on the popular Openstreetmap project. After installing the app, no further internet connection is required neither for browsing the map nor for search functionality.


* 100% offline
* Browse the map on different zoom levels.
* Find streets by name.
* Auto completion of input in search text-field.
* Find points of interest like attractions, museums, theatres, cinemas, hotels, restaurants, cafes, pubs, nightclubs, shops, railway stations, bus and tram stops and more.
* List all items of a certain category, e.g. list all museums.
This is a text about an Android app. The app presents to the user a map of Berlin and allows him to find streets, museums and other interesting locations.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Deens Android App: Berlin Offline Bykort
Zweeds Android App: Berlin Offline Stadskarta
Engels Tulip Time Festival
The city of Holland has thousands of tulips lining the streets and special tulip gardens throughout the city. It has been ranked as America's third largest town festival.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Duits Tulpenzeitfest
Spaans Yo sé que los tengo a ustedes que son ...
Yo sé que los tengo a ustedes que son mis amigos y me han apoyado en todo, pero con eso no basta para ser feliz.
ingles americano, Frances de Francia

Gemaakte vertalingen
Engels I know I have you who are...
Frans Je sais que je vous ai...
Braziliaans Portugees Sei que tenho vocês, que são...
Duits Ich weiß, dass ich euch habe, ...
Bulgaars Знам, че имам Вас
Frans Travail en Suisse
La dernière opération a eût lieu en Novembre 2012 (retrait des plaques et des visses).
Mon employeur, Frei Aquaservice AG de Aesch (BL), ne pouvant pas attendre mon retour, m'a licencié après 180 jours d’arrêt et 3 mois de préavis.
Je suis sorti récemment de la Rehaklinik de Bellikon après un 5ème et dernier séjour de rééducation intensive et me voilà prêt, en bonne santé et motivé pour reprendre un travail de préférence dans un emploi correspondant à ce qui est ma spécialité.
Bonjour, ce texte de candidature pour postuler à un emploi en suisse alémanique est trop compliqué pour moi, j'arrive à me faire comprendre en allemand mais l'écrire m'est trop difficile, si vous pouvez m'aider je vous en serai très reconnaissant.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Duits Arbeit in der Schweiz
Engels Game Features
Fully translated to German.
Simple yet addictive gameplay.
Sharpen your problem solving, strategical thinking and coordination skills.
Accumulate J-Coins as you play along to buy hints and to customize José's appearance.
Play against your friends in multiplayer mode and finally know who's got the biggest brain!

You can buy:
Handful of 50 Js
Pocketful/Stack of 150 Js
Bag of 300 Js
Barrel of 750 Js
Wagon of 1500 Js
Vault of 6000 Js
This is a list of iPhone game features. And also a list of currency options a player can buy.
If 'Pocketful' doesn't translate well to your language, then translate "Stack" instead. Thanks :)

Gemaakte vertalingen
Frans Caractéristiques du jeu
Russisch Особенности игры
Spaans Características del Juego
Braziliaans Portugees Detalhes do Jogo
Duits Merkmale des Spiels
Italiaans Caratteristiche del gioco
Duits Der Titel dieses Buches ist: ...
Der Titel dieses Buches ist: Begriffsschrift (eine der Arithmetischen nachgebildete), Formelsprache des Reinen Denkens.
Tentativa de aprender um pouco de alemão traduzindo o livro Begriffsschrift (domínio público).
Coloquei a parte entre parênteses, mas na capa do livro não está assim.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Engels The title of this book is: ...
Braziliaans Portugees O título deste livro é: ...
Deze vertaling aanvraag is "betekenis alleen"
Roemeens Nu glumesc. Mă bucur că m-am împăcat ...
Nu glumesc. Mă bucur că m-am împăcat cu bărbatul pe care îl iubesc.
Te rog să nu mai vii la mine, că dacă o să vii o să te tratez ca pe un client la băut si la toate, bine?
eine weitere SMS, die ich nicht verstehe. ich weiß dass die Rechtschreibung nicht korrekt ist, aber so habe ich den text bekommen.

One more text message I don´t understand completely. I know the spelling isn´t correct, but that was the text I got. Thanks a lot for helping.

Before edits: nu glumesc ma dukur ca mam anpacat cu barbatu pe care al iubesc.
mai te rog sa nu mai vi la mine ca daca osa vi osa te tratez ca pe client la baut si la toate, ok? / Freya

Gemaakte vertalingen
Engels I'm not kidding. I'm happy that I ...
Duits Ich mache keine Witze, Ich bin froh, dass ich ...
Engels Little Red Riding Hood
Once upon a time there was a little girl called Little Red Riding Hood.She lived in a forest with her family.One day her mother asked her to take some cakes to her Granny.The wolf saw her and talked to her in forest.The wolf went to Granny's house before her.The wolf rushed in and locked the Granny in a cupboard and he Jumped into the bed.Then Little Red Riding Hood came.She was shocked when she saw the Granny, because her eyes,ears teeth bigger.

Gemaakte vertalingen
Turks Kırmızı Başlıklı Kız
Duits Rotkäppchen